The film ''guerrila '' directed by nasiruddin yousuf bacchu produce by impress channel -I was very nice making famous film in bangla desh .it is very much expensive also in our film industry .this film is the directors latest most ambitious and extremly bold ,in which he hope it will be the most successful cinematic venture. the film is based on the events of the initial days of our liberation war , just when war was begaining to acquire its momen tum and people ,mostly youth ,were getting organised to make some dent on the monstrous pak army . For those who will see this film he had only one suggestion to make . at the end of the film ask the question : "what would happended to us ,as a people as a culture ,as a society as a historic entity --if we had lost the war . please don't answer the question in hurry .Let the scenes you saw churn in your mind .let the facts depicted in it sink in your in your consciousness .allow them to trigger introspection and try to under stand what the liberation war stood for . would you ever have been able to raise your head in pride if we had lost that war .