shah rukh khan the top most indian actor had came in bangladesh to perform for the bangladeshi audience .He got arrived in the evening at dhaka hazrat shah jalal inter national airport and straight gone to the stadium to per form .he didnt wait a while to get rest cause he is too busy to his industry in mumbai . he has come with her family ,wife gauri khan son arian and daughter . and the rest of the bollywood stars are rani mukherji arjun ram pal , shefaly jerwalia and many more . he is so much popular to our country that he didn' t knew before . he is very much happy to khow that thing . the total audience was too much excited to see him in live stage performance . The events antor showbiz did very good job for our bangla deshi people . and our government did the lots of security for him and his total group . The audience flow was too much to the stadium and got uncontroled some time causes the over loaded viewrs has camed . the huge security of bangladesh police, army, DB, CID ,NSI has done their job very nice ly . all the die hearted fans of shahrukh was much more excited to see him live . some of them got hurted in the rush of every thing . at the last moment of the per formance a few uncontroled audience took the un authorised sitting place . some of the high profile VVIP officer gets very much tuff to get their sits . The boishakhi tv get live telecast for the tv audience . many more celebraties and high profile government officer camed to have this live program . this was really a very nice prog ram for our country .
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